Friday 21 October 2016

Document Hosting with Construction Management Software

Document hosting is also known as file hosting, which is used to store the data or necessary information. It is usually an internet service created to host user files. The hosting word means that on the back end only the user data is stored for internet and other service related to internet. The data may belong to more than one user. Later, the user can access the data anytime from anyplace.

The stored information may include files, images, videos, software or E-books. The other name for document hosting service is online storage service. Different users use different hosting servers. Two types of storage methods include Software file hosting and personal file storage. Software files hosting mainly used for marketing purposes and for storing personal information personal file storage is used.

Now, no worries about the file storage and document hosting. BuilderStorm offers the complete package for your File hosting embedded with construction project management software. It offers the unique systems that allow user to sign a document by using iPads or tablets. Your document will remain private and secured. No one is allowed to access your secret information. You also can set different levels, set the name of the document and allowed to store at that level. To access more get your free trial from BuilderStorm.

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